Love Hurts
I went to church this morning. Even though I have an odd sort of faith that I can’t quite put into words, I absolutely LOVE going to church. Being around other sinners makes me feel comfortable; sitting amongst a group of kind-hearted people makes me feel calm and peaceful; the patterns and rituals settle my soul.
One of the messages I’m often reminded of at church is to keep a generous and open heart even when I’m hurt or afraid. The world has enough pain and fear. I don’t need to add to it. This morning, while I was concentrating on how to be more loving, I thought about a man I work with. He aggravates the hell out of me. His rude, insulting interactions with me always test my limits. About 5 o’clock Friday afternoon, I seriously wanted to rip off his arm and beat him with it. That probably wouldn’t be a very Christian response.
Tomorrow, I won’t rip his arm off. I promise.
I prefer to love people who love me back. All of us do, don't we? However, sometimes there are sweet, unexpected rewards when I’m kind, understanding and generous with a difficult person. At the very least, I feel powerful. I don’t let them control me. I remain true to myself ... the master of my emotions. Even better, sometimes they stop acting like a jackass. That hardly ever happens when I'm defensive and hateful.
Tomorrow, I’m going to love the little prick til it hurts.
Being in a REAL relationship feels awkward. It’s like trying to find my way along a forgotten path. Some of the landmarks look familiar, but I’m unsure of my footing and afraid I’ll lose my way. He seems to share the same feeling, maybe even more than I. We walk at HIS pace. Very slow. We don’t take many chances.
I’m learning to trust a little bit. He’s earning that trust. I’ve almost stopped wondering if he will disappear without warning. His presence is becoming familiar and reliable, and his voice eases my wandering fears. I’m pretty sure he has the same fears, but he won’t say so. I won’t ask either. Instead, I make sure he knows that I’m still going to be here tomorrow.
Sometimes when I look at him I’m surprised by how beautiful he is. He doesn’t seem to know he’s beautiful. That’s an even bigger surprise. Other times I notice the pain he’s trying so hard to overcome. It’s almost hard to imagine that this powerful, towering man could ever be broken.
I have more courage than he does so I let him take the lead. He needs to be in charge and I don’t. There’s a certain vulnerability to this arrangement, but the imbalance is subtle so it’s okay for now. I dearly want to keep walking along this path with him. But, it’s not for me to decide or control. I just have to HOPE.
Dating Lessons
These are a few things I’ve learned (or re-learned) through my dating experiences this year.
- It’s okay to cut my losses and move on.
- If something sounds too good to be true, it is.
- Taking things slow is good. You don't often hear people say, "The relationship probably would have lasted if only we had jumped in the sack right away."
- I don’t have to feel like a loser when someone doesn’t like me.
- I don’t have to feel guilty for not liking someone back.
- When a guy “takes it like a man”, he’s more attractive.
- Sex appeal is only 5% physical.
- A little cologne is nice. A lot will ruin an otherwise pleasant evening. I prefer nothing at all.
- The guy who borrowed his Mom’s minivan to take me out probably isn’t the right guy for me.
- The guy who lit up a joint in the middle of the date probably isn’t the right guy for me either.
- Even at my age, some guys get pissy if a girl doesn’t sleep with them on the first date.
- Believe it or not, most guys aren’t in a big hurry to jump in bed (Damnit! … teehee)
- I have good instincts about people. I shouldn’t ignore that.
- As adorable as they are, 20-somethings are too young for me.
- A lot of people who use dating sites also ride Harleys and like Nascar.
- There are a lot of lonely people in the world, but it’s not my job to save them … not even ONE.
- They say that opposites attract, but I’m more of a birds-of-a-feather kind of person.
- If a guy gets to be 40 or so and he’s never had a significant relationship, there’s probably a reason.
- I’m capable of acting like a cold-hearted bitch.
- We are all just trying to be happy. Some people will settle for feeling a little less unhappy.