Thursday, January 13, 2005

Where's Mary-Fuckin' Sunshine?

I’ve misplaced my cheerful disposition this week due to some of the crappy circumstances noted below. I’ve also been working long hours and not getting to the gym to purge my tension. Likewise, it hasn’t helped that weather from the deepest pit of hell has descended upon our little mid-western town, making even the simplest task practically life threatening.

I hate when I lose my cheerful disposition because it’s never lying out in the open where I can easily find it again. I’ve already rummaged through a few drawers and looked under the couch. I thought maybe one of the dogs dragged it off with their chew toys, but I didn’t find it in that pile either. I’m a little concerned that it hopped a train, or took off to Bermuda for the winter.

These are a few places I’ve found it in the past:

  1. New shoes
  2. Lu’s porch during a thunderstorm
  3. A good smack on the ass
  4. A well-chosen term of endearment from a friend
  5. A great haircut
  6. Tiramisu & Champagne
  7. A good game of Scrabble
  8. Really sexy underwear
  9. Ground Hog’s Day
  10. Playing with kids at the park
  11. A cleaner house when I get home
  12. Birthday presents (for anyone, not just me)
  13. Naked Twister (just kidding, but it sounds like fun, huh?)
  14. Giving money away
  15. Arms & hands making hugging on me
  16. Surprise flowers
  17. Naked Scrabble (just kidding again, but it would be more fun than regular Scrabble)
  18. Great Sex (you didn’t think I’d leave that out did you?)
  19. A big pile of dirt in my yard
  20. Unexpected flirting

If anyone has any better ideas of where to find my cheerful disposition, please let me know, because I’m one cantankerous and surly girl. I probably even deserve a spanking. In fact, I think I do. I probably deserve more than one, or six. It's for my own good don'tcha know?


At 5:43 AM, Blogger Kalleigh Hathaway said...

Gee Theresa, I think my cheerful disposition and yours must have pulled a Thelma & Louise. I wonder if they're hiding in the Bahamas. Maybe just to be safe, we ought to go and look?

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Blueeyes said...

Your cheery disposition isn't lost. It's probably where you left it. Did you check under the layer of bubbles in the bath tub?

Sometimes a good soak in one of those old time bathtubs on feet can be very refreshing. It'll make you feel like a new woman.

At 1:49 AM, Blogger Theresa said...

Okay kids, I checked the freezer and and all I found was a bag of frozen broccoli and a bunch of empty ice cube trays. Kayten, I'm packed girlfriend! Pull the convertable around. I'm ready to get the hell out of here! When we get to the Bahamas, I'll see about that bubble bath and finding somebody to rub my chest.


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