Saturday, July 01, 2006

The All-American Delicacy

Ah! Strawberry season is upon us. Is there any tastier coupling than a simple ripe juicy strawberry dipped in dark creamy chocolate?

Every strawberry lover knows where to go to get the best berries of the season. She will don her summer hat, tote a bucket to the field, and pick them herself. She’ll be very selective. Despite the sweat collecting on her brow and between her breasts, she’ll take her time to choose carefully. If she does well, her patience will yield a bucket of ripe, red, firm, well-shaped beauties.

The most challenging part might be the trip home. We have to resist the temptation to taste prematurely. It may be difficult, but when our delicious dipped fruit is laid before us, we’ll be very pleased with our self-discipline.

The cleansing step is the first part of the preparation. Use cool running water and be very gentle when washing the berries. I like to keep the stems and leaves on so I have something to hold onto, however, a little chocolate on the fingers probably won't hurt too much. Once the berries are washed, lay them on a towel to dry. If you roll or pat them, be extra careful. You don't want to bruise their tender flesh.

Next, is the chocolate step. Always use GOOD chocolate! I prefer dark chocolate on strawberries, and I don’t mind investing a little bit more, even if it means I skip lunch one day next week. It’s totally worth it.

When warming the chocolate, use a double boiler on low heat. This sweet confection likes to melt very very slowly. If it gets too hot too fast, it will be ruined. If you ruin GOOD chocolate, you will be sent to your room without supper!!! (and you may even get a sound spanking, but not the GOOD kind)


Now, the very best part … (I like to do this step by candlelight with a glass of champagne)
Once the berries are dry and the chocolate is smooth and melty, line a tray with wax paper and prepare to be delighted.

At this point
, I look at all the strawberries and choose my very favorite. It may not be the ripest, firmest, biggest, or best shaped berry. It just needs to appeal to me in some way. Once I make my selection, I remove the chocolate from the stove and position it for best accessibility. Then, I stand directly over the chocolate and slowly dip my berry in.

I absolutely love to watch as the tip of the strawberry first penetrates the warm creamy chocolate. Once it’s almost completely immersed, I pull it out again. Then, I dip it another time or two so more chocolate gets on my fruit. Once I’m satisfied, I cup my other hand under my perfectly drenched strawberry, and bring it to my lips. The combination of the warm chocolate and the cool strawberry are heavenly. It’s tempting to suck the chocolate off the strawberry and have another dip, but when I bite into it and the berry juice mixes with the chocolate, I can barely contain my delight. Inevitably, my ooo’s and ahhh’s cause some to dribble out the side of my mouth and down my neck. It’s a good thing I always do my strawberry dipping naked, or all my summer clothes would be stained.

** (I almost didn't post this. People might think there will be left-overs to share.) **

Happy Independence Day


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

Why is that, Dick? Were you dipping strawberries while you were naked too?

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

I'm sure I wouldn't have any idea what you're talking about.

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Jayne said...

Quite the word picture, all of it, my dear. Your Love Goddess title is quite secure : )

At 8:37 AM, Blogger BlazngScarlet said...

Mmmmmm ....
I can almost see and taste the droplets of strawberry juice and maybe a droplet or two of chocolate as they combine and travel down into the valley between your breasts ........ sheer beauty ....
can I come dip with you????

*my strawberry season in FL is in late Feb early March ... quite a lovely early Spring treat!

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

Dick - hmmm ... maybe

Jayne - Oh yes! Add to my attributes: Lover of fine chocolate.

Blaze - Double-dipping Hot Chiks? Sounds like fun. Get your sweet ass up here. I'll go get some more berries.

At 1:59 PM, Blogger ZooooM said...

You need to open a hot chick school of how to so I can learn this stuff.

At 7:01 PM, Blogger i used to be me said...

I've never had chocolate dipped strawberries and you definitely make it sound like I'm missing out.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Imelda said...

Bitch. It's winter here. I'm freezing my tits off while you're doing naked, juicy things.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

T~ You really need to invest in a fondue pot. It's really the perfect way to dip those lucious heart shaped beauties. And try drizzling some white chocolate over the freshly dipped berries too. Mmmm, mmm, mm, mm, mm. I'm hard.

At 6:49 PM, Blogger Aisha T. said...

Eeek! Trapped at work and not a strawberry or pot of chocolate in sight!

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Joy said...

That was so descriptive, i could almost picture it. Time to find myself that perfect strawberry.

At 8:41 AM, Blogger AndyT13 said...

I totally dig the whole strawberries, choclate and champagne (sex) date! It even made it into some song lyrics. Love it!

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Steve said...

I'll bring the ice cream.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

Zooom - You're already a Hot Chik, girlie! However, the idea of a Hot Chik School sounds like an awful lot of fun. Just imagine the homework!

U-Genius - You don't know what you're missing. Don't bother buying them at the store. Do it at home. It's so much better. Besides, at the store, they get cranky if you take off your clothes and eat them naked in the check-out line ... or so I've heard.

Imelda - Oh, don't even think I'm going to have pity on you! I think you've been doing plenty to keep yourself warm lately.

Michelle - I'll definitely put a fondue pot on my wish list. And, white chocolate sounds divine! Now I need to go get more strawberries.

Aisha - In all of New York, you'd think they'd have a fondue delivery service.

Joy - Good luck. You deserve a very special strawberry!

Andy - Sex? Wow! The thought never entered my mind. You dirty boy, you!

Steve - That would cool things off nicely.

At 10:17 AM, Blogger The Ogre said...

I'll never look at strawberries the same way again! My favorite fruit.....thanks Theresa!

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Polyman2 said...

I LOVE strawberries!
Got to try it your way;
cleansing, rolling,
patting, diping,

At 10:11 PM, Blogger clew said...

Damn that strawberry looks good.

Hi T. Just wanted to let you know I think I'm back. Thanks for checking in. XOXOXO

At 11:55 PM, Blogger Chick said...

Oh God...I need some fruit now!

Isn't ANYTHING with chocolate...just better?

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, er, uh.

Damn, it's going to be a long summer. . .

At 6:34 PM, Blogger No_the_game said...

Wow Theresa!!!!!

I do not know why but the entire time when i was reading your post I was thinking about something else :))

U r such a wonderful writer !!!1 Now I wonder, were you thinking the same thing like me while writting this piece * LOL*


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